School Trips
In order to provide the best education we can, our pupils have the opportunity to visit many different places to support their studies.
We ask parents/carers to make voluntary contributions towards the cost of trips etc., on the basis of cost per child. All payments to school are made via Parentpay®, our online cashless system. Please contact the school office for further details.
Should insufficient funds be forthcoming for any particular trip it may be cancelled.
However, if a parent/carer is unable or unwilling to contribute no pupil would be excluded* or identified.
*Please speak to the school office in confidence regarding payment for the annual residential Year 4 visit to Robinwood.
Parents receiving income support or the income based Jobseekers Allowance may apply to the Governors for assistance.
Please also refer to our Charging and Remissions Policy.
Should you require any assistance with payments to school, please click on the following link. Thank you.