We would request that your child/(ren) either have a school meal (hot/cold options available) or bring a home packed lunch each day.

All pupils who are on the school meal register will be provided with a main meal unless a preorder for either the baked potato or sandwich option is made on the School Grid system.  The baked potato/sandwich option also includes vegetables/salad and pudding.  School Grid provides catering staff with this information each day.

If you require any further information, please contact the school office on 01670 512803 ext. 3 or via [email protected]. Thank you for your understanding.


Morpeth All Saints CE First School subscribes to a service for the provision of free school meals from Northumberland County Council.  Please click on the following link for further information:-




Below are some useful links to resources and information about healthy eating and school meals.

School Meal Information

All school meals are freshly prepared and cooked in school by our Unit Manager, Mrs Phillips and her team.  We offer vegetarian options and can fully cater for pupils with various dietary requirements, including diabetes, coeliac, lactose intolerance, and religious grounds.  Cooked meals, including a vegetarian option, as well as puddings, are prepared daily in our kitchen.  We also provide a selection of sandwiches and all pupils have access to salad, fruit, bread, and water.

For pupils accessing Universal Free School Meals (UiFSM) in Reception, Years 1 and 2, milk is included.  Additionally, milk is available for a termly charge to pupils in Years 3 and 4.

The cost of a school meal is currently £2.50 per day.



All pupils in Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and 2 are provided with free milk each day.
For parents in Years 3 and 4, termly application letters are issued and a payment service is available on Bromcom.



Water is freely available throughout the school day, from a number of water coolers in each key stage area.  It is also served to all pupils at lunchtime.

We actively encourage all pupils to bring a water bottle to school each day for use in their classrooms.



These are available to parents who are classed as unemployed and receiving a qualifying benefit, however, they are not automatically available and an online application which can be accessed HERE must be completed for each child.  An application cannot be made retrospectively as the process is a set criterion and there is no appeals process.

Children who receive income support, or income-based jobseekers’ allowance in their own right are also entitled to claim free meals under the same application process.  If a child attends school, or the parent/guardian resides, in Northumberland the applicant can apply to Northumberland authority for free school meals.  Refunds for free school meals are only made in exceptional circumstances. These are handled on an individual basis by the school.

01670 623592

FSM Office
Northumberland County Council
County Hall
NE61 2EF

Benefit details for applications can be checked on receipt. However, if confirmation cannot be found, you will be contacted to provide proof of benefit.  If you require any further information, please contact the school office telephone on 01670 512803 ext. 3.


Pupils in Reception, Year 1 and 2
In September 2014, the government introduced a new initiative to all schools in England; Universal Infant Free School Meals (UIFSM). This initiative enables all children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 to receive a free school meal every day. The initiative does not apply to children in Nursery, Year 3 and Year 4 however, you may be eligible for ‘traditional’ Free School Meals (FSM) – please see the information above.


National Curriculum

We follow the National Curriculum for Design and Technology which includes cooking and nutrition.  We also take opportunities to include this in other subject areas such as healthy eating as part of Science and Foods from around the world in Geography.

We have school garden areas for each class to give children the opportunity to grow fresh fruit and vegetables, some of which they cook.


Fruit in School Scheme

The School Fruit and Vegetable Scheme is a government programme that entitles every child aged four to six in fully state-funded schools to a free piece of fruit or vegetable each school day; this equates to approximately 2.3m children in around 16,500 primary schools. At Morpeth All Saints CE First School, we serve the pupils during morning break.


Packed Lunches

Some children bring a packed lunch to school.  Whilst we encourage all children to have a school meal, if your child brings a packed lunch, we ask that food and drink be carried in plastic containers: glass bottles are not allowed for safety reasons.


All packed lunch containers can be stored safely in classroom fridges.


Through our Healthy Eating scheme, we would ask that crisps and biscuits be limited as part of a packed lunch. Sweets, lollipops etc., and canned fizzy drinks are not allowed.  Packed lunches brought into school from home can be high in fat, sugar and salt.

We have a number of pupils with an allergy to nuts and they could have a severe reaction from cross-contamination.  Please do not pack any nuts/peanut butter/Nutella or similar products in your child’s packed lunch.