Morpeth All Saints Church of England First School
Pinewood Drive, Lancaster Park
Morpeth, Northumberland. NE61 3RD
(DfE No: 929 3487)
Telephone 01670 512803
1 to report an absence from school or to advise on change of collection arrangements
2 to speak directly to the school kitchen (suppliers only please)
3 information on afterschool clubs, dinners, milk, uniform
4 school office – enquiries/information: Mrs Rebair or Mrs Bush
Office Hours:
The main school office is open and manned from 8.30 a.m.— 4.00 p.m. (Monday to Friday).
When telephone calls are made outside of these hours, please leave a message. This will be picked up once the office reopens.
e-mail [email protected]
Twitter @MorpethAllSaint
what3words: towel.spill.wipe
Chair of Governors: Mrs S Alexander
Vice Chair of Governors: Mrs J Michie
Headteacher: Mrs D Brett
Acting Headteacher: Mrs R Baker
KS1 Lead: Mrs K Frayne
KS2 Lead: Mrs L Rusby
E Safety Governor: Mr G Anderson
GDPR Designated Officer: Mr M Tait
Safeguarding Governor: Mrs V Cowan
Special Educational Needs Governor: Mrs S Alexander
SENDCO: Mrs R Baker