School Meals
At Morpeth All Saints, we recognise that we share the responsibility with parents and the wider community to educate pupils in all aspects of food and nutrition, enabling them to make healthy informed choices as they move through life. We pride ourselves on serving tasty, healthy meals every day. Our catering team works very hard to give the children what they like whilst adhering to current food standards for schools which ensure meals are nutritious and well-balanced. We’re constantly on the lookout for new, exciting recipes to entice the children to make healthy food a priority throughout school.
If you require any further information, please contact the school office on 01670 512803 ext. 3 or via [email protected]. Thank you for your understanding.
Meals for the children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2
The Universal Infant Free School Meals initiative enables all children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 to receive a free school meal every day. The initiative does not apply to children in Nursery, Year 3 and Year 4, however, you may be eligible for income-related free school meals (FSM) – please see the information below.
Meals for the children in Nursery, Year 3 and Year 4
Meals for children in Nursery, Year 3 and Year 4 are chargeable – please check with the office for the current rate.
Payment for meals is to be made in advance on-line using My Child At School. The money for dinners comes directly from the school budget so any arrears mean less money for resources for our children.
Income Related Free School Meals
It is still essential that if you are entitled to income-related free school meals you apply as you will become eligible for other benefits if they’re granted. The approval of an application may entitle your child to:
- Free milk
- Help with curriculum-related residential trips or school visits
- Help with music tuition and instruments
To access these benefits families must be in receipt of a qualifying benefit and must have an approved Free School Meal claim with Northumberland County Council.
Additionally, throughout the duration of the authorised FSM claim, Morpeth All Saints will receive extra funding in the form of Pupil Premium to enhance educational provision.
If you are in receipt of the following benefits please apply:
- Universal Credit with household income less than £7,400 a year (after tax and not including any benefits you get)
- Child Tax Credit with NO Working Tax Credit (Income below £16,190)
- Income Support
- Income-Based Jobseekers Allowance
- Income Related Employment and Support Allowance
- Guaranteed Element of Pension Credit
- The Immigration and Asylum Act 1999 supported by a letter from the Asylum team
For more information contact:
Free School Meals Team at Northumberland County Council
Apply Online on the Northumberland County Council Website by clicking here
Telephone: 0345 6006400
Email: [email protected]
Or speak to the school office in confidence.
National Curriculum
We follow the National Curriculum for Design and Technology which includes cooking and nutrition. We also take opportunities to include this in other subject areas such as healthy eating as part of Science and Foods from around the world in Geography.
We have school garden areas for each class to give children the opportunity to grow fresh fruit and vegetables, some of which they cook.
Fruit in School Scheme
The School Fruit and Vegetable Scheme is a government programme that entitles every child aged four to six in fully state-funded schools to a free piece of fruit or vegetable each school day; this equates to approximately 2.3m children in around 16,500 primary schools. At Morpeth All Saints CE First School, we serve the pupils during morning break.
Packed Lunches
Some children bring a packed lunch to school. Whilst we encourage all children to have a school meal, if your child brings a packed lunch, we ask that food and drink be carried in plastic containers: glass bottles are not allowed for safety reasons.
All packed lunch containers can be stored safely in classroom fridges.
Through our Healthy Eating scheme, we would ask that crisps and biscuits be limited as part of a packed lunch. Sweets, lollipops etc., and canned fizzy drinks are not allowed. Packed lunches brought into school from home can be high in fat, sugar and salt.

We have a number of pupils with an allergy to nuts and they could have a severe reaction from cross-contamination. Please do not pack any nuts/peanut butter/Nutella or similar products in your child’s packed lunch.