The Governing Body of the school is made up of 12 members and a list of Governor Interests and attendance at various meetings/visits to school are tabled in the documents below. 

Under our terms of reference a chair is appointed from governors sitting on the

Resources Committee or  Curriculum, Learning, Assessment and Safeguarding Committee. 

All school governors have an Enhanced DBS check and Section 128 check.


Register of Governors
Mrs. Sarah Alexander Co Chair of Governors
Appointed by Northumberland County Council
Category Local Education Authority
Current Term of Office   15/10/2015 to 31/10/2023
Financial Register of Interest None   (declaration updated 01/10/2022)
Non Financial Register of Interest None   (declaration updated 01/10/2022)
Committee Membership All Committees,
Link Role   Anti-Bullying, Equalities (Behaviour, Wellbeing, Relationships)                  EYFS, Foundations Subjects, SEND
Mr. Gareth Anderson Governor, Chair of Resources Committee
Appointed by Newcastle & Durham Diocesan Education Board
Category Foundation
Current Term of Office 05/05/2016 to 30/03/2024
Financial Register of Interest None   (declaration updated 01/10/2022)
Non Financial Register of Interest Parent  (declaration updated 01/10/2022)
Committee Membership Resources (Chair)
Link Role E-safety,  Health & Safety


  Mrs. Valerie Cowan  Governor
  Appointed by  Newcastle & Durham Diocesan Education Board
  Category  Foundation
  Current Term of Office  27/02/2019 to 26/02/2023
  Financial Register of Interest  None  (declaration updated 01/10/2022)
  Non Financial Register of Interest  None  (declaration updated 01/10/2022)
  Committee Membership  Curriculum, Learning, Assessment & Safeguarding
  Link Role  Collective Worship, Eco School, Safeguarding, School Council, Vision.
 Mrs. R. Baker Governor
Appointed by Full Governing Body by Virtue of Position Morpeth All Saints
Category Headteacher
Current Term of Office On Appointment 01/09/2023
Financial Register of Interest Paid Employee  (declaration updated 01/09/2023
Non Financial Register of Interest None                  (declaration updated 01/09/2023
Committee Membership All Committees
Link Role Assessment, Complaints, Quality of Education
Mrs Carolyn Thompson Governor
Appointed by Parochial Church Council Morpeth
Category   Foundation
Current Term of Office
Financial Register of Interest  None
Non Financial Register of Interest None
Committee Membership Curriculum
Link Role Humanities
Mrs. Judith Michie Governor
Appointed by Parochial Church Council Morpeth
Category Foundation
Current Term of Office   01/09/2015  to 31/08/2023
Financial Register of Interest None   (declaration updated 01/10/2022)
Non Financial Register of Interest None   (declaration updated 01/10/2022)
Committee Membership Resources
Link Role English (Reading, Writing and Phonics)
Mrs. Emily Hindson Governor
Appointed by Staff of Morpeth All Saints
Category Staff Governor
Current Term of Office  13/03/2024
Financial Register of Interest None
Non Financial Register of Interest Staff member
Committee Membership Curriculum
Link Role
Mr. Paul Rusby Co Chair of Governors
Appointed by Parochial Church Council Morpeth
Category Ex. Officio Foundation
Current Term of Office 22/09/2021 by virtue of position
Financial Register of Interest None   (declaration updated 01/10/2022)
Non Financial Register of Interest Spouse paid employee  (declaration updated 01/10/2022)
Committee Membership Resources
Link Role Collective Worship, Equalities, Religious Education, Vision.
Historic Data – Governors who have left 
Mr.  Brian Hedley 26/09/2007 – term ended  03/03/2023
Mrs. Carolyn Thompson 01/01/2019 – term ended  31/12/2022
Mr. David Simpson 01/09/2005 – term ended  19/05/2022
Rev. Simon White 17/09/2013 – term ended: 21/09/2021
Mrs. Elisabeth Bainbridge 16/05/2012 – term ended:  31/08/2021
Mrs Jacqui Steel 01/11/2019  – term ended: 31/10/2023

Clerk to Full Governing Body Meetings

Mr. Ian Hampson Clerk to Meetings
Appointed by Northumberland County Council
Category Clerk to Governors non voting
Current Term of Office 01/04/2021
Financial Register of Interest Paid Employee of Northumberland County Council
Non Financial Register of Interest None
Committee Membership None
Link Role None

Morpeth All Saints Governors Development Plan 2022 – 2023

Register of all Governor Visits 

Copies of Full Governing Body Minutes are held in the main school office.


The Chair of Governors for Full Governing Body Meetings is:                                     Mrs. S.  Alexander

The Chair of Governors for the Resources Committee Meetings is:                             Mr. G.  Anderson

The Chair for the Curriculum, Learning, Assessment & Safeguarding Committee is:     Mrs. J. Steel

Dates of Full Governing Body Meetings 2022 / 2023

Autumn Term –  13 October 2022

Spring Term    –   2 March 2023

Summer Term – 27 April 2023




Reconstitution of Governing Body 2015

At Morpeth All Saints CE First School we have a team of governors that work as volunteers to support the school.   Their role is to support and challenge the Headteacher and to help set the vision and strategic direction of the school ensuring that our school is the very best it can be.  Governors have a wide range of duties and tasks, including:-


  • Ensuring that the school meets its legal responsibilities
  • Setting the school budget
  • Making decisions about the school building and premises
  • Setting school policies
  • Appointing staff and making decisions about current staffing
  • Looking at how well groups of pupils are performing and ensuring action is taken if there are any concerns

We have three Full Governing Body meetings each year held in the Autumn, Spring and Summer terms.  A range of subcommittee meetings also take place at least once per term.  During these meetings we look at a wide range of information to find out how well the school is performing.   Miss Halliday provides a detailed Headteacher’s report at these meetings but governors also look at data and independent reports so that we can make our own decisions about how well things are going. To support the work that goes on, governors also try to visit school as often as possible. We are proud to have a committed Governing Body that is made up of a team individuals with a wide range of backgrounds and experiences.

Strategic:  The Governing Body sets the general direction of the school, looking at how it should best develop and improve.  This is done by reviewing and agreeing policies, setting targets and priorities and monitoring and reviewing aims and objectives.  Strategic thinking is not always linked with the curriculum and it does not mean just responding to weakness.

Critical Friend:  The Governing Body works with the Headteacher and creates a clear understanding of the challenges faced in managing the school. The governing body is able to question and challenge. A good working relationship is essential as a real critical friendship is only achieved where there is trust and mutual respect.

Accountability:  school is a business and its stakeholders are the learners. The Governing Body has a professional attitude and uses its collective skills to benefit the learners. It gathers views, ask questions and decides what is best for the school and the children. The governing body is answerable to the parents and the wider community.

Pecuniary Interest:

We hold a register of pecuniary interest for all governors.  It is vitally important for the school community that the school makes transparent judgements and decisions as they represent not just the parent and child body but take an oversight of the budget which is ultimately, public money.

Pecuniary Interests of Governors and Staff

When visiting schools auditors are often asked the difference between business and pecuniary interests and exactly who should be making what declarations.


Business interests

A business interest is the involvement of an individual or their family members in any trade or professions, along with any direct interest they may have in any company providing goods or services to the school. For example, if a Governor runs their own building company or provides training courses for teaching staff. When making a decision about what or what not to declare, the individual should consider how they may be challenged about their decision not to disclose information.


All members of the Governing Body, the Headteacher and any staff who influence financial decisions, are expected to declare any business interests that they or any family member may have.  A register of the business interests should be made available in the school and there should be an annual review of this register.  In addition, where a Governor or no member of staff has no business interests, they should complete a form saying ‘No interests to declare’.  New Governors or members of staff, influencing financial decisions, should be asked to complete a form on joining the relevant Governing Body or school.


It is a common misconception that pecuniary interests are the same as business interests; however, pecuniary interests are a wider term.  Pecuniary interests include personal financial interests, such as involvement in a trust fund or investment, as well as potential interests, for example, where a member of staff’s husband is applying for a vacancy in the school or where a teacher Governor is involved in the decision over the promotion of a colleague, and where they may be a potential candidate for the post made available.


Due to the nature of these interests, they cannot only be declared annually.  All members of the Governing Body and all members of staff should be made aware at Governor and staff meetings of the need to declare these interests, as they arise.  Declarations should be made in writing to the Headteacher or the Chair of Governors of the relevant board and these should be filed in a register of pecuniary interests.


Register of Business Interests

As you will appreciate, the Governing Body must ensure that Governors and staff are not involved in activities that might conflict with their role within the school.  It is especially important to demonstrate that individuals do not benefit personally from the decisions made by the Governors, unless such decisions are made openly and legitimately.


The Governing Body is not concerned with any hobbies from which no income is made, or even minor commercial interest that you might have. However, Governors must declare any interest they have, or plans they, their spouse partner or a close family member might have, and that are related to or might be construes as being related to the school and its budget.