Week 3
Nursery Gardening club

Week 3 Orange Class
Outside Learning

Week 2
Indigo Gardening Club
Today we toured the school gardens raised beds and helped Mrs Roberts weed the nursery wild flower bed. We put all the weeds in the compost bins.

Week 2
Red class Outdoor Learning

Wk6 Summer 1 2024
Purple Class Outdoor Learning

Week 6
Summer 1 2024
Blue Sea and Blue Sky have been finding different shaped leaves in their Muddy Monday lessons.

Reception Class Muddy Mondays
Week 5 Summer 1 2024
Pond dipping in preparation for our trip to Gosforth Nature Reserve.

Yellow Class Outdoor Learning
Week 4
Using charcoal to make our own observational drawings of natural objects.

Summer 1 Week 4
Gardening club today planted flowers seeds. They selected their own seeds (rudbeckia, poached egg plants, cosmos …). Each member had their own tray and filled them with soil, preparing the bed for the seeds to be scattered on. They then spread their chosen seeds thinly and covered them with more soil and gave them some water.
To help them germinate we popped them in the greenhouse, where they will be warm and get lots of light.
Jade Class

Green Class

Summer 1 2024
Reception Muddy Mondays
Today all the children recorded what we had planted last week and made a little book that they took home and shared with their family.
We related our talk to the idea of:
* The past
* The present
* The future

Summer 1 2024
Week 2