At Morpeth All Saints, we are committed to giving our children the best possible start in life and enabling them to truly flourish as global citizens. This involves them becoming confident independent thinkers, who have a breadth of knowledge about the world in all its diversity, and are able to hold balanced, respectful and informed conversations about religion and belief.
Our school welcomes those of all faiths and none, while having its foundation in Christian values and it is linked to our local Christian worshipping communities. Day-to-day life reflects that Christian foundation throughout the whole curriculum and within the ethos of the school. Every pupil has an entitlement to Religious Education at MAS. RE is an important element of a broad and balanced education and along with other subjects forms the core curriculum.
Religious Education at Morpeth All Saints aims to:
- provide for all pupils to learn and achieve
- promote the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of pupils and prepare them for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of life.
- provide an inclusive and broad understanding of world religions and non-religious worldviews.
We aim to develop children’s religious literacy as well as provide an opportunity for children to reflect personally on the big questions of life. Our broad RE curriculum aims to include a balance of theology, philosophy and social and human sciences or in other words, includes a balance of learning about believing, thinking and living, in relation to the religious and non-religious worldviews studied.
At Morpeth All Saints we celebrate the wonderful diversity of thought, belief and practice that may be found within our school community and aim to expand children’s understanding of the even greater diversity of thought, belief and practice found across the globe and to help them engage with this diversity in a positive, inquisitive and respectful way.