This year we will be be working together as a group, following on from our previous year. The School Council members will remain from last year and we also welcome some new members to the group. We have lots of exciting activities and schemes that we will be involved with over the academic year. Therefore please take time to read our School Council agendas, which are posted below throughout the year, to hear all about our news and up to date support for our school and community.

School Council members can find a copy of our agenda and time of next meeting in the library, on the School Council board.

Thank you

Mrs Jennings


Rainbow Non Uniform Day

Well done to everyone who took part in our non uniform Rainbow Day to raise funds for the school council. A special thank you to all the school council members who designed the flyers to advertise this event. We have raised £198.20 so far and still have money coming in daily. This money will be put together with the proceeds from the next school council fundraiser, to buy resources for lunch and break times.

Thank you!


Supporting Our Local Food Bank

Our school council came together to bag the generous donations that families had brought into school, to support the Wansbeck Food Bank. The school council sorted the donations into groups of items so that it would be more organised when the volunteers from the food bank package and distribute them.
Our Year Four representatives and our school council chair person handed over the bags to the volunteers who came to collect them. Thank you to everyone who donated food and helped to bag the items.

Voting For Our School Council Representatives