Information Reviewed:January 2024
Contacting the school office: 01670 512803 ext. 4
The administration team will make an appointment for you to speak to:-
Mrs R Baker (Acting Headteacher and SENDCO)
Mrs S Alexander (named Governor for SEND)
Please note you may also email i[email protected]
If on telephone calls you can’t hear the other person’s voice or don’t catch all that they’re saying, or they can’t understand what you’re saying, the Next Generation Text (NGT) Service can help, please click on the following link http://ngts.org.uk/
If you have a concern or a complaint about SEND, please contact Mrs Baker (SENDCo) in the first instance. If we cannot resolve the issue at any point you may use the School Complaints procedure.
Morpeth All Saints Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
We actively encourage parents to support us with their child’s learning. The effectiveness of provision made for children and young people with SEND is monitored by a proactive governor nominated for SEND (Mrs. S. Alexander). Our school Special Educational Needs and Disability Coordinator (SENDCO) Mrs. Baker meets with Mrs. Alexander, the SEND Governor on a termly basis, together they review the interventions taking place and a written report is submitted to the Full Governing Body.
(Please note: Our school site has full wheelchair access and accessible disabled toilet)
The Local Offer is essentially the provision available for young people with SEND (Special Education Needs / Disabilities). This requirement is laid out by the Children’s and Families Bill 2014 and the SEND Code of Practice January 2015.
What is the Local Offer?
The Local Offer is essentially the provision available for young people with SEND. This requirement is laid out by the Children’s and Families Bill 2014 and the SEND Code of Practice January 2015. The Local Offer was first introduced in The Green Paper [March 2011] as a local offer of all services available to support disabled children and children with SEN and their families. This easy to understand information will set out what is normally available in schools to help children with lower level SEN as well as the options available to support families who need additional help to care for a child.
The Local Authority will produce a Local Offer for Northumberland and all schools will produce one for their establishment http://www.northumberland.gov.uk/SEND-Local-offer.aspx
The Local Authority Northumberland County Council Local Offer has two key purposes:
- To provide clear, comprehensive and accessible information about the support and opportunities that are available.
- To make provision more responsive to local need and aspirations by directly involving young people with SEND, parents and carers and service providers in its development and review.
School’s Disabled Accessibility
The Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) covers many areas of everyday life, including education and access to goods and services. The provisions in the DDA to do with schools relate to disabled pupils and their parents and carers. At Morpeth All Saints CE First School we strive to make reasonable adjustments to procedures and policies.
The school is situated within the Lancaster Park housing estate on the northern perimeter of Morpeth. There is a steep gradient into the estate but the road the school is located on is flat and level. The nearest mainline Railway Station is 1.6 miles from the school and the bus station is located 1 mile. Local buses run to the estate and there is a main bus stop 600 m from the main school entrance.
This venue does have its own car park with a tarmac surface. This may be used as a designated drop off point or alternatively for longer stay, a disabled car parking space is available. Entry to the car park is a via a key press operated system which can be remotely controlled from the office. The entry code is provided freely to all registered parents/carers. If you need assistance entering the school site please telephone 01670 512803 ext. 4 and we will remotely lift the barrier for you.
Access to the main entrance
The main doors open towards you (pull) and are double width. Please note these doors are heavy. There are no steps leading into main office.
Inside Access
Classrooms are spread across the ground floor. At present, there is not a hearing assistance system and the lighting levels are varied. Motorized scooters are allowed in public parts of the venue, although visitors must note that they cannot charge scooters or wheelchairs inside the school building.
Accessible toilet
There is a disabled toilet facility near the main school entrance.
Accessibility Policy